
Have your say regarding the future of Padel at Lansdown

Padel at Lansdown


Full adult playing members will get an email from Mi-Voice in the days after the Q&A session asking for a vote of yes, no or abstain to the question:


Should the committee pursue the padel proposal?


If it’s a yes, we’ll use our best efforts to appeal the planning decision and work up a fully costed proposal to put to a general meeting of members. If it’s no, we’ll take no further action on padel. The vote will stay open until 15th October, if by then we haven’t reached two thirds of members taking part, we’ll keep it open until 31st October. The vote will then be final.


The vote is confidential and no-one at Lansdown will be able to see which way anyone voted.


If you have any further questions before you vote send them to Mel at and we’ll do our best to get them answered.


Information to help you decide how to vote on Padel can be found HERE


John Higgins

Club Chairman