
Join us for the Lansdown Quiz

This is one of our popular social events, taking place every 3rd Monday October-April*


*Occasional date changes may occur, e.g. in December to move away from the busy Christmas period – please check our Events Diary for confirmed upcoming Quiz Night dates


The quiz starts promptly at 8pm and usually finishes around 10 – 10.15pm.  There is normally a break where food can be served if pre-ordered – do arrive in plenty of time before 8pm to sort yourself out for food & drink!


There is a £2 entry fee per person with a maximum of 6 people per team.  You are welcome to turn up on your own – please attend at 7.30-7.45pm and make yourself known to the Quizmaster who will find you a place in a team that doesn’t already have six / create a new ‘Singles’ team!


The quiz is made up of eight rounds with six questions each, together with table rounds that the teams work on during the interval (when any pre-ordered food is served).


There are always prizes for the winners – and a small consolation for taking part to those who have scored the least number of points!


Quizmaster:  Graham Wiseman

You don't have to be Einstein to take part - but you do need a sense of humour and a willingness to have some fun!