Welcome to the Lansdown Club - we have wonderful facilities providing the opportunity to play Tennis, Squash, Racketball and Croquet in lovely surroundings
A popular social event, taking place in the main Clubroom every 3rd Monday October-April*
* changes to 2nd Monday in December, to avoid Christmas period
The quiz starts promptly at 8pm and usually finishes around 10pm. There is normally a break where food can be served if pre-ordered – do arrive in plenty of time before 8pm to sort yourself out for food & drink!
There is a £2 entry fee per person with a maximum of 6 people per team. You are welcome to turn up on your own – please attend at 7.30-7.45pm and make yourself known to the Quizmaster who will find you a place in a team that isn’t full. Or enquire via the Club Office in advance.
The quiz is made up of eight rounds with six questions each, together with table rounds that the teams work on during the interval (when any pre-ordered food is served).
There are always prizes for the winners – and a small consolation for taking part to those who have scored the least number of points!
Quizmaster: Graham Wiseman
“You don't have to be Einstein to take part - but you do need a sense of humour and a willingness to have some fun!”